Hi, we’re Chris & Laura!

We wanted to share our deep appreciation for the incredible impact the Couple-to-Couple Mentoring Program has had on our marriage. It's been a game-changer for us, and we're bursting with gratitude for the support it’s given us.

When we first started the program, we were like any other couple, dealing with the ups and downs of married life…frequently being in a rut and on cruise control. We weren’t best friends, but we wanted to be!

We had our first session on a special date: our 26th anniversary! One would think that after being married 26 years, we would have it all figured out. After all, our children were grown up, out of the home and married to the love of their lives— so we believed we must have done something right. What we were learning quickly was that we didn’t have it all figured out when it came to just US.

During that first session, our amazing mentors, Tom and Sue, got to know us on a personal level. We shared what was most fresh in our relationship- which seemed the easiest. After our very first session, and every session that followed, we left with hope.

From the beginning, Tom & Sue believed in us, walked with us, prayed for us and with us, and loved us. They were assertive and encouraging. It was evident that they genuinely cared for us and our marriage. Their guidance and the tools they shared with us have truly been a blessing. They didn’t just help us navigate our challenges; they helped us rediscover the magic in our relationship.

We can’t stress enough that the love and care we've experienced (and continue to experience) from all that Great Marriages has to offer… mentoring, monthly events, marriage retreats, and on-going support, has inspired us in a big way.

We feel so lucky to have had this opportunity to refresh and strengthen our bond. But it's not just about us; it's about the future, too.

Once again, we thank Great Marriages from the depths of our hearts for everything they have done for us. We are paying it forward now as we have started mentoring other couples along their journey. It’s empowering for us to mentor and care for another couple. Together, we can spread the message that love, dedication, and  support can do wonders for any relationship.

Great Marriages’ year-end goal is to raise $20,000.

Would you consider a donation toward this goal so other marriages can experience the growth we have?

After all, strong marriages mean stronger families and communities!

With heartfelt thanks,

Laura & Chris Pribbernow