Become a Mentor

The greatest untapped resource to save marriages is couples with solid marriages willing to invest in other couples by sharing their testimony and example.

We invite couples who are passionate about marriage to use their gifts, abilities, and life experience to come alongside and encourage couples to grow in their relationships with each other.

Mentoring couples see the benefits of giving their time to assist you in enriching your marriage. They are not paid staff members.

How Do I Become A Mentor

Most mentor couples do not recognize their potential to serve as mentors, but are identified by others as having a loving, committed marriage. Couples who feel called to serve as mentors are encouraged to visit Great Marriages at any time or to email info@great-marriages.org.

Prepare and Enrich

A mentor couple serves as a resource for couples who seek guidance and direction to address particular problems in marriage or a relationship. Mentors are trained in various skills like communication, problem solving, asking for forgiveness etc. They conduct numerous sessions with couples who request help. These sessions are designed to teach and allow practice in basic skills which enable them to openly communicate, and enrich, nurture, and build a life-long relationship.

Mentor Requirements

A mentor couple does not have to have a perfect marriage, but should be a couple who is willing to share their experience and dedication to a lifelong commitment with others. We ask that couples be married 15+ years and be willing to invest time and energy in helping other couples. Great Marriages trains and certifies all mentors and provides the space and resources to help others.



With your help, we can lighten the load and enable Great Marriages to accomplish more with less.


Other Volunteer Opportunities

  • Clerical work

  • Special events

  • Send out mailings

  • Fundraising