Never stop dating your wife & never stop flirting with your husband.
Often, when a couple has been in a committed relationship for awhile (even if they aren't married yet!) they can become complacent. You settle into a routine, things become "normal", and you stop feeling butterflies every time you see your significant other. But it's important to keep the spark alive, and there is no better way to do that then by continuing to flirt with and date your significant other!
Flirting with your spouse will remind you why you like them (even when the mystery is gone and they go to the bathroom with the door open). We so often get stuck in the monotony of day to day life, of our schedules and to-do lists, that we forget what is so special about our partners. Taking the time to compliment them or to touch them will rekindle that passion in yourself, and in them. More importantly, it will make them feel desired and appreciated!
Going on a date with your spouse, even if it's just once a month, will give you two time to connect and talk to each other about topics outside of "did you run the dishwasher?" It's extremely important to continue learning about your significant other and one of the best ways to do that is through conversation. There's no better time to forget the routine of life and enjoy intimate conversation then on a date!
Beyond just talking while you're on a date, dating actually creates things to talk about later. You'll have a shared experience (and hopefully a few laughs) that you can talk about when you are settled back into your daily routine. Maybe it'll be an inside joke, a memory of the delicious dessert you had, or even how great your partner looked in their date night outfit.