Have you and your significant other ever found something to be funny and you reach a point where you feed off each other? Laughter is contagious. It’s also beneficial to life and marriage.
Benefits of Laughter
Reduction of stress and tension
Stimulation of the immune system
An increase of natural painkillers in the blood
A decrease in systemic inflammation
Reduction of blood pressure
Lifts your spirits
Brings couples closer together
Can help keep a relationship fresh.
There are other medical benefits than the ones listed above. Through laughter, muscles release tension and neurochemicals are released into the bloodstream, creating the same feelings the long-distance joggers experience as “runner’s high.”
Humor brings more than just physiological benefits to a husband and wife. Humor helps us cope.
Humor relieves the tension that can build up between people. It also will bond you with those you laugh with. Research has found that laughter produces Oxytocin, a chemical in the brain also referred to as the bonding chemical.
Learning to laugh a little more just may save your life, not to mention your marriage. To paraphrase Henry Ward Beecher, “A marriage without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs – jolted by every pebble in the road.”
From Simple Marriage